A short goodbye

So here I am again...Bangkok which is beginning to feel like home now but anyhow. I took a night bus from Chiang Mai which was faster but much less romantic and comfortable than the sleeper train I took to get there. There's something about taking a train through the jungle and mountains.....something very Anna Karenina or Murder on the Orient Express meets South East Asia. :)

I spent most of today getting ready and massaged before I leave for Burma or Myanmar on Sunday. I'm hoping to meet up with Rambo there and hopefully free the people from the oppressive military government....we'll see how it works out.

I'm going there with a friend, someone I met during my travels who wants to go there also so don't worry that I'll overtaking governments on my own.

From what I understand internet access is a little difficult over there so I might not have the opportunity to write so I'm wishing everyone a great month of Feb-toba, enjoy skiing and all the other good stuff.

Rico Happy Birthday!
Muah to everyone and again don't worry if you don't hear from me for a little while.
Miss everyone


  1. Hey babe,
    Quand reviens-tu de tes escapades? hehe Seriously, write us soon sinon j'vais m'inquieter sti! lol love you xox


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