The show must go on
The show itself was absolutely perfect and I had the distinct privilege to dance with one of our students and my adoptive little sister here, Di Mang. To say she is a wonderful dancer wouldn’t be doing her justice, she’s divine and on top of everything she’s just the perfect student and so sweet.....and smart....and beautiful....I love her to death.
She’s going to study psychology next year in University, she is teacher Vanne’s little sister( the wedding we went to ) and her family is also just perfect. She and I both cried at the end of our dance because we know it might be the first and last time we will perform together.
Practicing with her and performing has been one of my top moments here. Sometimes I still can’t believe how much I just miss performing....
Oh and in the play I was the main angel that comes down from heaven to gaze on the baby Jesus! In Excelsis Deeeeeeoooo. After the performances, we all danced and had a gift exchange with all the students, teachers and sisters. What do you get a sister for Christmas? They go crazy for tooth paste and laundry detergent…..yeah to each their own!
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