pictures finally

Ok so I'm on vacation which means i'm not going to write much but I had a free minute and obviously today I can upload pics. I don't have much but if you go to my entry where I talk about being sick I put up some hospital pics and the 2 kids on this picture are Jean-Claude (on my left, he's 9 years old) and his brother Olivier in my arms (he's 11). They are the 2 kids Angela and Natalie have decided to sponsor.
I love these 2 little smucks and I'm so proud that I'm friends with people who care enough to do something like sponsor these kids. It gives them a fighting chance at a normal life. You and your families are wonderful, thank you so much, my only wish is that others follow your example.

PS: Ange I know Sr Dora talked to you about Tafita, she's the cutest little kidergarden girl, she's 4 and she comes from a very difficult situation, in fact she's being transfered to our internship for little kids in Tana because we're afraid for her health if she stays in Betafo. I'll send you pics of her when I get a chance, again thank James's business associate for his generous offer.

Otherwise, I've decided that I am going to pass by Betafo again next week so it doesn't feel like a goodbye just yet and it's easier for me to deal with.

I love you all back home and I hope everyone is doing well.



  1. Looking forward to see you soon. I can't wait to listen to your stories.



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