
So to day was our official goodbye with the community, our bags are packed, we're ready to go.

I can't talk about it because talking about it would mean I have come to terms with the fact that it's over. All I can say is that I cried every tear in my body today and I miss the kids, the sisters and especially the girls..... I'm almost thinking of passing by tonight to say hi.

Thank God Meggi is with me and we're going on vacation in the south, so that way we can both lie to eachother and think it's just another holiday and we'll come back to our life that we have both gotten so attached to.

I could use a milion and ten hugs right about now.

Love you all


  1. the kids and I are ready and waiting to shower you with hugs. I'm sorry it is so hard for you to leave but the world is a small place now and I know you will find a way to keep them close to you. We love you.

  2. there's a lot of hugs for you here!!


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